Friday, September 18, 2020

What Happens If You Read To Much?

 What Happens If You Read To Much?

Do you ever wonder what happens when you read too much? We are about to find out. you should read a book for 30 minutes a day but why should we, you might think well if you read the whole day none stop you could forget very important stuff like maths and other stuff. I am not saying you should never read I am just saying that you can't read for so long. the first ever book made was called The Epic of Gilgamesh.

Fun fact. Did you know that you can get a headache just by reading for a long time?



Food can be tasty, some food is gross. 🤮 Some food you can be allergic to. I am writing about food because I love food so much. My favourite food is tacos. Tacos are a type of food you can put lettuce meat, vegetables and other stuff in it. A taco is like a burrito or a rap. Fun fact, water is more important than food. People can survive with no food for 30-40 days just drinking water. Sometimes when you read or write about food you get hungry.


Maori Language Week

Maori Language Week.

Maori Language Week has been around since 1975. Maori Language Week is a week to represent New Zealand Maori. Maori Language Week is a bit like SaintPatrick's day but you celebrate Maori. For Maori Language Week I celebrated by speaking as much Maori as I can. In Maori my name is Rihi. 

Friday, September 11, 2020



UFO's are one of the most wrest sights to see. before I tell you fact's I just need to tell you that 
UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. once I went to bed and I saw moving thing's going in slow motion at there were 50 of them and they were going up at first I thought they were shooting stars. but then I thought they were to slow to be stars, they must be UFO's I thought. 
Any way back to the facts. UFO's have been around for a long time. Once kids at a school saw
one and screamed and ran to the teacher the teacher told them to draw what they saw in every drawing there was lights all the drawings also looked like a UFO the UFO had been hidden behind two tree's. UFO's are a type of space craft for aliens so if you come to think of it aliens are real. Some people tell story's and movie's about UFO's. Most UFO's look different to others. People believe that lot's of UFO's will come to earth and then the world will end. Some people believe that UFO's are real and some don't. 



Fish can be found all over the world. You may like to eat fish, admire them at zoo’s, do some fishing, or even keep them for pets. Fish can be plant eaters, meat eaters or both meat and plant eaters.Many fish can taste without opening their mouth. Fish can come in different shapes and sizes the smallest is paedocypris and the biggest is a whale shark. Sea horse’s don’t have teeth so they have to suck in their food holes. They need very small food because they are very small. The male seahorse gives birth to the babies not the female. There are over 30000 known species of fish. The smallest shark is the lantern shark. At night fish don’t sleep, fish can rest though. At night they hunt for food.Fish don’t go up for air instead they have gill’s so they breve under water. If you touch a fish’s gills it may die. Many fish can see in the dark better than cats. Tuna can swim at speeds of up to 70 kph (43 mph). The smallest whale is the dwarf sperm whale. My favourite fish is the lantern fish. There are 4 ocean zones, the sunlight zone, twilight zone, midnight zone and the abyssal zone. The first fish ever discovered was the pikaia. Shark’s do not have bones.Here are the types of sharks I know. Hammerhead shark, basking shark, sawshark, Thresher Shark, carpet shark, nurse shark, goblin shark, blue shark, bull shark, great white shark, mako shark, tiger shark, mega mouth shark, greenland shark, whale shark, pygmy shark, dwarf shark, and the sand shark.There are 4.3 million squid in the world. And 44 species of dolphins. Baby fish are called fry. A fish surrounds itself by it’s snot to protect itself? Some flatfish camouflage to hide themself on the ocean floor. Goldfish can’t close their eyes as they have no eyelids. One puffer fish contains enough poison to kill 30 people. Starfish are able to grow a new arm if you cut one off. My favorite fact is that when Anglerfish mate, they melt into each other and share their bodies forever.I would not mess with the box jellyfish, they are the deadliest jellyfish in history and The most dangerous fish to eat is fugu. If I was you I would not race a sailfish they may not be the fastest animal on earth, but they are the fastest fish in the world. and The last fact is The first fish to walk on land was the tiktaalik. 

Monday, September 7, 2020

When I Grow Up.

  When I Grow Up...

I got this idea from Lotte because Lotte did a blog like this.

now here are the things I want to be.

an actor, maybe a rapper and a book writer. I want to be an actor because I have all ready thought of some movies. here are the movies: Dibs, Dude Team, Butt Man, Man Fire and Mouse Man. I want to be a book writer because I love reading books. and I know some other books I want to write: Super Granny, Man Fire, Butt Man, Fire Dudes and Teddy World. I have all ready started writing some books. I might be a rapper because I wrote some down but I can't think of a name.