Thursday, July 1, 2021



Ever since I was four or five, I"ve been a huge fan of Star Wars. Why you may ask? Well it's a long story. Lets go back to when I was five. When I was five Dad was watching tv. He was watching Star Wars. Then I sat down and watched. At first I thought the Jedi's were super heroes. Then after a year I was six. When I was six I understood things more. I knew what was happening and I knew the peoples' names. Then I was seven. When I was seven I loved Star Wars so much whenever there was a chance to watch it I would take it. I'm going to make a chart of what I felt watching it every year. 

5 years old: ? 
6 years old: 😀 
seven years old🤯
eight years old:🥴
 nine years old: 🥴😃🤯

Yep that's how it went. At first I had no clue what was happening and now I'm a big fan. Anyhow I'm going to tell you the main characters and why they are. First lets go with Darth Vader. Before Darth Vader was evil his name was Anikan. Aniken was trained by Obi-Wan. One episode Anikan was tricked by the Sith. Obi-Wan tried to stop him but it was too late. Anikan had turned evil. Then Obi-Wan and Anikan had a fight at a lava planet. Obi-Wan chopped Anikan in half but Anikan was so angry that the power of the Force healed him. Then the Sith found him and made him Darth Vader. Time for Yoda: Yoda was one of the best Jedi's. He was very strong with the force but always wanted peace. Fun fact: Did you know that Star Wars is about the sky walkers, every episode had a sky walker, like Anikan Sky Walker, Luke Sky Walker, Laya Sky Walker and other characters. After the last Star Wars film was released, Star Wars The Rise Of Sky Walker. They made one more Star Wars film, but this time it wasn't about the Sky Walkers this time it was about a little person people call baby Yoda. It's called the Mandolorean. Fun fact: did you know that Baby Yoda's real name is Grogru. And that's it for you folks. Next time I might talk about another movie.

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