Friday, May 15, 2020

Making muffins

Today me and Mum made apple muffins we did not use topping because without them they taste great.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Climate change

What is climate change? It’s the warmth and coldness.

How are rising water levels affecting ice packs, sea levels,  Antarctic etc? According to as the temperature rises, our ice caps are at risk. The two polar caps are shrinking and huge amounts of ice fall into the sea. Sea levels are rising and people are at risk of their countries being flooded.  Melting glaciers could cause a shortage in drinking water.

How will rising sea levels affect New Zealand and countries around the world? People by the sea might lose their houses;  as the ocean could wash the houses away. 

 What are Greenhouse Gases?  Greenhouse Gases are gases that make the world warm, it's like a blanket. Without Greenhouse Gases the Earth's temperature would average negative 18 degrees.

 What can you / we do about it? We need to stop consumerism and over population.

 Pollution - how has the Coronavirus affected pollution? Since we have not done much shopping and travelling pollution levels have gone lower. In India you can now see the Himalayas.

Friday, May 8, 2020


On the 2nd of May we played spotlight. When we were going to start a round we heard a noise. It was a Morepork, the Maori name is a ruru. I did not know what type of owl it was so I said “hey it’s an owl”. Mum said "It’s actually a Morepork, can't you hear the sound". So we took a photo before it flew off. I thought that I was very lucky to see Morepork.

 This is a picture of the morepork I saw.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


What it’s like for me in lockdown.

I'm hating lockdown because I don't get to be with my friends but I have had fun and I have done lots of baking. I really want to leave the lockdown in a few weeks because I want to see my friend Charles. It’s a bit frustrating having to do school at home but I have got used to it. I have never been in lockdown before. I don’t know when we will go back to school but I think we will go back when we go to level 2. It’s a bit annoying not being able to get out of my house. I feel like it’s the holidays but doing work. Good thing my dog is able to keep fit and healthy. I have been outside getting fit but most of the time i'm doing my work.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Making chocolate brownies

Making Chocolate brownies
Johanna and I made chocolate brownies on the 4th of May. they tasted very good after we made them. we only needed a little bit of help by Mum but me and Johanna did most of it. It was easy for us because we can yous team work. They are pretty easy to make and I think we can make them at school.