Thursday, May 14, 2020

Climate change

What is climate change? It’s the warmth and coldness.

How are rising water levels affecting ice packs, sea levels,  Antarctic etc? According to as the temperature rises, our ice caps are at risk. The two polar caps are shrinking and huge amounts of ice fall into the sea. Sea levels are rising and people are at risk of their countries being flooded.  Melting glaciers could cause a shortage in drinking water.

How will rising sea levels affect New Zealand and countries around the world? People by the sea might lose their houses;  as the ocean could wash the houses away. 

 What are Greenhouse Gases?  Greenhouse Gases are gases that make the world warm, it's like a blanket. Without Greenhouse Gases the Earth's temperature would average negative 18 degrees.

 What can you / we do about it? We need to stop consumerism and over population.

 Pollution - how has the Coronavirus affected pollution? Since we have not done much shopping and travelling pollution levels have gone lower. In India you can now see the Himalayas.

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